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Solved the Blockade Modding Question!

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Solved the Blockade Modding Question! Empty Solved the Blockade Modding Question!

Post  Chromos Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:35 am

If you play GER and declare War on Danmark, you are not able anymore to travel into the Balitic even from Kiel, or ships in "The Bälts".
But the Kiel Canal was build for that reason, to travel from the North-Sea to the Baltic without the need to cross the danish Isles or Skagerrak.
For a long time now, common sense was that this is hardcoded in the engine and couldn't be changed by modding.
But now I finally found ot why that is the reason behind.
Read more in the AHOI-Mod blog.. Click me!


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Join date : 2011-11-02


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