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Useful things for Modding

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Useful things for Modding Empty Useful things for Modding

Post  Chromos Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:40 am

Here is a map pack wich includes many maps gathered from Arturius and aditional 75 from me also with some of them also for the time after ww1.
(Chinese Warlords, US -landings, new World Order in Africa)

But also old worldwide colonies map and railroad net in the world etc.

If you have some more interestings maps we could gather them here and create an nice big map pack.
Link: map pack ww1-ww2

Also how tows gould maybe gathered here?

Best regards,

Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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Useful things for Modding Empty Cool HOI3 blog

Post  Chromos Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:46 pm

Here is a very nice blog with lost of great info about how to change the game!

Check it out here:
Great HOI3 blog

Best regards,

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Join date : 2011-11-02


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Useful things for Modding Empty Re: Useful things for Modding

Post  Chromos Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:04 pm

Post from Yazem with his infos:
This is the "so far" progress: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UZ3VF3KV (The file might be temporary unavailable)
It isn't so much and might be messy Razz
Just to clarify why I've used RUS = Soviet Union & SOV for Russia is because to save huge amount of space, not needing to change owner of all the massive Soviet lands.
I've forgot to include the .mod file, but it's all "extend ="

I also have all the provinces in a categorized folder, divided into all the different contents of the map (not included tho) (africa, europe etc.)

Here's some links I've got from people wanting to support the WW1 mod:
"hi Yazem,

saw you make a ww1 mod for HoI3. if you are intereste in german leaders please look here: http://www.gamefront.com/files/user/bestmajor

this is a correction of the ww1 leaders list for germany (HoI2/DH). feel free to use it if you need it."


"Yes, I want to extent my support. Here are some ebooks that could help you:


Please distribute the links I send you to your contributors. That could prevent wasting time with researching."


"Hi, it's Arturius,

maybe you know me from HoI2's Mod1914, I'm also working on DH's 1914 scenario. I want to share some datas for your Mod with you.

Nafziger's OOBs:



I can recommend 'The World War I Databook' by Ellis and Cox. It contains many datas about governments, units, armies organization.


Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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Useful things for Modding Empty Re: Useful things for Modding

Post  Arturius Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:26 pm

I can recommend 'The World War I Databook' by Ellis and Cox. It contains many datas about governments, units, armies organization.


Highly recommended!!!!!!!


Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-11-04

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Useful things for Modding Empty Re: Useful things for Modding

Post  Chromos Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:18 pm

modding part of HOI3 wiki
Also interesting there the EU part of modding in regard of events.
The MagnaMundi Team did some great event chains for their Mod.

List of all HOI3 variables (valid as of FTM)

scripting guides from Johan

List of modification and modding tools!

Army Restructuring Tool for Hearts of Iron 3 (ART)

HOI3 FAQ official

HOI3 FAQ inofficial..

HowTo: HOI3 & Linux with WINE

Upcoming map for HOI3

Dead WW1 Mod over at Paradox Forum

Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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Useful things for Modding Empty more tools

Post  Chromos Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:49 pm

HoI2 to HoI3 Minister Converter

A Validator for EU3

HoI3 Event Tool

Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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