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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Lord Dalek
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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:38 am

Feedi wrote:The Finlands GUI or HUD is glitched/bugged, would be nice if you could make it look nice like the other ones

Hi Freedi,
and thank you.
The GUI will get an overhaul. Smile


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Resolution issue

Post  xDzonox Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:32 pm

Hi there, guys, I've just installed Your mod and it seems to work pretty well, except one thing: everything is more or less shifted. Some texts fit to their places, but for example technology screen is blank - the boxes are empty. What is interesting -there are some parts of HUD visible at the top of the screen - as if the needed part of HUD was shifted higher.Of course i tried the following things:
1.Tried to change resolution to 1280x768 by in-game settings
2.Tried to change my notebook screen resolution to 1280x768 by Windows
3.Tried to change resolution by settings file
4.Installed Your widescreen addon

However, all of those did not help, because after every launch with new settings game seems to "reset" resolution to default 1366x768, which leads to the same outcome of shifted screen. Does anyone know how to make it work?


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:57 am

Hi xDzonox,

there must have been something quite wrong with the installation.

But lets check the Checksum first:
Checksum original: GSKH
Checksum AHOI-Mod-TFH 4.02: QZZV

Also, do you use STEAM or Win8?


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:01 pm

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is Checksum?
I use Win7 64bit


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:52 pm

Ok, I decided to reinstall it all over again, so here is what I did:
Installed HoI3
Installed 1.4 patch
Installed Semper Fi
Installed For The Motherland
Installed Their Finest Hour
Installed TFH patch 4.02
Then I copied all the files from AHOI folder to HoI 3 folder, overwriting when necessary.

Now the game starts pretty well, I set everything (resolution 1024x768) and press play. The loading graphics screen shows, but "adapting history..." seems to last forever - the "watch-pointer" still spins, but except this nothing happens.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:04 am

Hi xDzonox,

the checksum is written at the bottom of the main screen after you load up the game the firts time.
This Checksum changes after you started a game and retire again to the main screen.
So only the one after initial load up is important.

And you need at least 1280*768 as a resolution.

You can download the mod also here:
Alternate download at mediafire - Ahoi-Mod-TFH-Test-402a

Hope that helps you now getting into the game! Smile


Btw., you don't need to install 1.4 patch. Just the Expansions and then the latest patch(4.02)

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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:01 pm

Okay, I found the checksum in the upper right corner. Problem is that it says KHSB.
Resolution is set to 1280x768.
The issue of shifted screen is still present.
Any ideas?


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:39 pm

Try to make a clean install first.
It is hard to think about help if there are unknown changes.
Checksum after clean install should match GSKH and only then install the Mod.
Ortherwise your base game installation is already corrupted in some way.

So you should look in your personal windows documents folder and delete all HoI3 stuff there too before reinstalling the game.
C:\Users\"Your name"\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron III

Install HoI3
Install Semper Fi
Install For The Motherland
Install Their Finest Hour
Install TFH patch 4.02

Start the game once. It will build the map chache, so it could take a while.
After done, close the game.
Restart it and check the Checksum for GSKH. If it is not that one now, something went wrong.

Make a copy of the original working installation (GSKH) and copy it to another location like "HoI3-Mods"..
Now use only this copy for the mods and the other will allways stay clean. Wink

So copy the Mod in here and it should have the Checksum QZZV. Then resolution to 1280*768 or higher and all should be fine.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:06 pm

Ok, I did exactly what You stated in this instruction along with deleting that file in My Docs. then i placed .mod file in mod folder and copied all the files to copied game folder, overwriting when necessary. Resolution set for 1280x768
Yet still there's the same outcome of Checksum KHSB and shifted screen.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:42 am

xDzonox wrote:Ok, I did exactly what You stated in this instruction along with deleting that file in My Docs. then i placed .mod file in mod folder and copied all the files to copied game folder, overwriting when necessary. Resolution set for 1280x768
Yet still there's the same outcome of Checksum KHSB and shifted screen.

Thats strange, because that means that something went wrong because you don't have the right checksum.
And that can mean anything, at least it is beyond my possibilities to help you at this stage.
You should contact Paradox - Link: HoI3-Tech-Support - about how to get the correct initial Checksum for the original game.
Because you can't get in Multiplayer with a wrong checksum and also will have very likely problems with other Mods.

Once you have the original Checksum for the base game, we can get on from that point with the mod.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:17 pm

Sorry, I didn't write it more precisely. So after a clean install (before applying the mod) the Checksum is correct (GSKH), only after applying the mod Checksum goes KHSB.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:36 pm

But then, did you copied in the right folder? (tfh\mods ?)
As I just tried it again with a fresh install and all went fine.
So I don't know why you get the wrong checksum at all then.. Shocked

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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  xDzonox Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:43 pm

Oh wait...
Ok I'm dumb.
I copied it to tfh folder. Works well. I'm freaking dumb.
Thank You for constant help and congratulations - it has to be the most epic mod I've ever played!


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:31 pm

Good that it works now! Smile

Have fun!


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  calecute Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:32 pm

I downloaded the 4.04 version of the mod recently and noted something strange in the dip tab.

Countries close to UK in the faction triangle were receiving "To close to faction" penalties to drifting toward the axis, and countries close to Germany receiving penalties to drifting toward the allies. Also when the text said countries were drifting toward the allies they were in fact drifting to the axis, and when someone was close to the UK the counter said it was close enough to provide strategic resources to Germany, and vice versa.

This happens everytime I start a new game, I don't think the country I chose should affect this, but I only tested starting a game with Japan.

I annexed a print of the strange phenomenon.
Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Attachment
2015-12-27_00001.jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(314 Kb) Downloaded 2 times
Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Attachment
2015-12-27_00002.jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(314 Kb) Downloaded 1 times


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  calecute Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:20 am

Think i fond the problem:

Hearts of Iron 3\tfh\mod\AhoiTreasure404\common\ideologies.txt

fascism = {


#position = { x = 200 y = 200 }
position = { x = 0 y = -146 }

democracy = {

position = { x = 200 y = 200 }
#position = { x = 0 y = -146 }

The "position = { x = 0 y = -146 }" should be commented out in facism, and "position = { x = 200 y = 200 }" should be commented in, and the other way around in democracy. Haven't tested yet but i'm pretty sure that's the problem


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:18 am

Hi calecute,

and thank you very much. You're absolutely right.
That is of course not working right.
I played around a bit with the triangle and adding factions. And I just forgot to undo my testing settings here.
I'll upload the changes asap.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  gastovski Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:24 am


I've the latest version of HOI3 and all DLCs. I've installed this mod with widescreen addon into the tfh/mods folder but when i trying to create a new unit the game crashes. Also the premade division have missing units like one or two blank named.


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:47 pm

gastovski wrote:Hello

I've the latest version of HOI3 and all DLCs. I've installed this mod with widescreen addon into the tfh/mods folder but when i trying to create a new unit the game crashes. Also the premade division have missing units like one or two blank named.

Depending on wich widescreen mod verion you installed, some basic files in the amin folder may have been overwritten.
The widescreen is not compatible with other mods if those are not adopted to it.

The AHOI-Mod Treasure has its own widescreen format.

To be sure, reinstall HoI3-TFH, at least make sure you have the right checksum. It is GSKH and can be found in the starting screen.
After that worked, you can install the AHOI-Mod -Treasure Chest 4.04 and all should be fine.
The readme shows you how to do it right. Smile


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re clicking research

Post  epicslayer23 Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:47 am


I just started playing as the USA and encountered something that annoys me on the research tab,when a project is completed it gets un qued and every time that happens i have to go into the research tab and que the tech i was just researching out of 134 techs,is this a bug or is it just the mod itself?


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Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod - Page 2 Empty Re: Bug reports for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:46 am

epicslayer23 wrote:Hell0!

I just started playing as the USA and encountered something that annoys me on the research tab,when a project is completed it gets un qued and every time that happens i have to go into the research tab and que the tech i was just researching out of 134 techs,is this a bug or is it just the mod itself?
Hi epicslayer23,
have you ever had a different experience in Std-HoI3?
Thats how the engine works. Wink
If you manage research manually, you have to take care off all of it manually.

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