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FAQ-list for the AHOI-Mod

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FAQ-list for the AHOI-Mod Empty FAQ-list for the AHOI-Mod

Post  Chromos Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:58 pm

This is the FAQ section where we will gather all  interesting questions and answers.

As the wiki is not ready, I've created an entry "Treasure Chest HQ" on the top section of the AHoi-Mod blog with some basic informations about the game changes.
Link: https://ahoimod.wordpress.com/
You can find infos about:

  • Land units
  • Naval units
  • Air units
  • New Divsion system
  • Planned new unit component system
  • New buildings

Please let me know if you thing something should be added or if you would like to contribute.

The Treasure Chest got already some new bugfixes wich where reported in the AHOI-Mod forum. I'll also add some new tech descriptions already done by Hjalfnar. A new version with these changes will be uploaded soon. Thanks again at this point for all feedback and work done.


Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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