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Help with getting up and running with AHOI

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Help with getting up and running with AHOI Empty Help with getting up and running with AHOI

Post  kiwigareth Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:42 am

Hi Guys

Just found your site and I'm very keen to get a game up and running. Would version base of FTM does this mod map onto, I've just tried running it over a clean 3.05 folder with no luck

(I'm running w7 64bit pro, should I change screen resolution on the laptop as well?)

Kind Reagrds, Gareth


Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-08-05
Location : NZ

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Help with getting up and running with AHOI Empty Re: Help with getting up and running with AHOI

Post  Chromos Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:30 am

kiwigareth wrote:Hi Guys

Just found your site and I'm very keen to get a game up and running. Would version base of FTM does this mod map onto, I've just tried running it over a clean 3.05 folder with no luck

(I'm running w7 64bit pro, should I change screen resolution on the laptop as well?)

Kind Reagrds, Gareth

Hi Gareth,
did you follow the installation instructions? Wich checksum do you have?
Wich resolution do you use? You need at least a copy of a FTM 3.05(Checksum: UBBY) and resolution of 1280*768.
So you laptop should support that res. If it supporst higer res, you would not need to set it lower again, just make sure the game use 1280*768 or higher. You can edit the settings.txt(main HOi3 folder) too.


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Join date : 2011-11-02


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