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Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012

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Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012 Empty Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012

Post  Chromos Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:23 pm


I have an answer from Herz now.
He will not set up a new fourm.

And I can say I won't do such a "Please ask this guy that" /Please ask that gus this" action again.
If you have such ideas/suggestions: Please feel free to do it yourself!

From my point of view:

1.) As I read about some "behind-the-scene work" and nobody is sharing his WW1 work so far or is posting some results, but it seems that there it is communication "in the back", I will focus on my own mod for now.

2.) There is some guy over in the Paradoxforum, "SayNoToTheism", who wants to revive the WW1 mod there and is working on it. Had anybody already contact with him? Sharing work? He wrote that he also works together with quite some people. So joining forces would be a good idea?

3.) I had now contact with "SayNoToTheism", and he wrotes me that Helepolis handed over the lead to him. Also "SayNoToTheism" seems not to be aware of this fourm! So it is uncertain how the WW1 Mod will proceed here. I'll open a thread in the WW1 section..

Edit January 7, 2012:
4.) I seperated the AHOI-Mod Forum and the WW I Mod Forum. So it should be easier clear now, that ther is no connection.
Also added a new Moderator group for the WW1 Forum. If something is to be added etc. please contact me or Kadanz.

What do others think?

Cheers and happy new year,

Last edited by Chromos on Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:58 am; edited 5 times in total

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Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012 Empty Re: Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012

Post  saynototheism Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:23 pm

Alright I'm here, this forum looks nice. So am I the lead now? Will I be a mod here? What needs to be done? I want to know whos working on this so I can bring everyone up to speed.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-01-02

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Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012 Empty Re: Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012

Post  Chromos Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:18 pm

saynototheism wrote:Alright I'm here, this forum looks nice. So am I the lead now? Will I be a mod here? What needs to be done? I want to know whos working on this so I can bring everyone up to speed.

Hi saynototheism!
Nice that you shopw up here
You are now a moderator.. Smile
And we should ask the people to show up again. There is a thread in the WW1 part that shows who was willing to help.


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Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012 Empty Re: Actual news / Neuigkeiten! Januar 2012

Post  Chromos Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:27 pm

I seperated the AHOI-Mod Forum and the WW I Mod Forum. So it should be easier clear now, that ther is no connection.
Also added a new Moderator group for the WW1 Forum. If something is to be added etc. please contact me or Kadanz.


Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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