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Their Finest Hour ist da / Their Finest Hour is out

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Their Finest Hour ist da / Their Finest Hour is out Empty Their Finest Hour ist da / Their Finest Hour is out

Post  Chromos Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:02 pm

"Hearts of Iron III - Their finest Hour" ist da und die Anpassungen der Mods hat begonnen!
Mehr dazu im Link unten zum AHOI-Mod-Blog.

"Hearts of Iron III - Their finest Hour" is out and the adpation of the mods have started!
More info in the link below to the AHOI-Mod-Blog.

AHOI-Mod Blog: Their Finest Hour ist da / Their Finest Hour is out

Die erste Arbeit ist getan / First work done!
Deutscher Link: "AHOI Mod - Widescreen für Std HOI3-TFH" Thread
English link: "AHOI Mod - Widescreen for Std HOI3-TFH" thread

Posts : 578
Join date : 2011-11-02


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